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                      2020 Intelligent Distribution Network Innovative Strategy Alliance Conference successfully held in DFE
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                      On the morning of October 30, the "2020 Intelligent Distribution Network Innovative Strategy Alliance Conference" sponsored by Shaanxi Regional Electric Power Group Co., Ltd. and undertaken by our company was held in the group headquarters. Principals from 14 alliance units including Tsinghua University, Xi'an Jiaotong University and EDF International Grid Corporation attended the conference.

                      說(shuō)明: http://yufeng66.com/uploadfile/2020/1102/20201102092530109.jpg

                      Group photo of participants

                      說(shuō)明: http://yufeng66.com/uploadfile/2020/1102/20201102092633961.jpg

                      Conference site

                      On the conference, Yang Hengkun, chairman of Dongfang Electronics Corporation, delivered a welcome speech. Liu Yuqing, general manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Regional Electric Power Group Co., Ltd., delivered a speech. Sun Yiwei, deputy general manager of Shaanxi Regional Electric Power Group Co., Ltd., briefed the work of the alliance, and all alliance units made keynote speeches.

                      說(shuō)明: http://yufeng66.com/uploadfile/2020/1102/20201102092927943.jpg說(shuō)明: http://yufeng66.com/uploadfile/2020/1102/20201102092927628.jpg

                      Representatives of the alliance include industry experts, scholars and company founders. They have profound insight into the development of China’s distribution network, and give brilliant speeches

                      In the afternoon of October 30, the conference held a technical exchange activity, and Sun Yiwei, deputy general manager of Shaanxi Regional Electric Power Group Co., Ltd., presided over the meeting. The representative of Shaanxi Regional Electric Power Group Co., Ltd.’s Energy Research Institute made a report on "building a research institute of special electric power science and economic technology based on innovation-driven development strategy". The representative of Shaanxi Regional Electric Power Group Co., Ltd.’s Comprehensive Energy Group made a report on "exploration and practice of green development of intelligent energy". The representative of Tsinghua University presented a report on "intelligent micro energy grid technology and engineering practice based on comprehensive utilization of solar energy". The representative of Dongfang Electronics Corporation made a report on "research and practice of comprehensive energy service innovation". The representative of China XD Group Co., Ltd. made a report on "solutions for intelligent transformer substation of XD". The representative of Sieyuan Electric Co., Ltd. made a report on "application of new technologies of intelligent distribution network".


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