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                      DFE wins bid for projects of 3 power distribution companies of Madhya Pradesh in India
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                      Recently, DFE received the a bid-winning notice of a bundled bidding project issued by three electrical distribution companies of Madhya Pradesh in India covering 5 cities, with the total amount of about 734,037,087 Indian rupee.

                      The company won the bid of power distribution management operation system (SCADA/DMS) and relevant software, hardware, engineering service, etc. of Jabalpur electricity transformation project affiliated to MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur. Also, we won the bid of power distribution management operation system (SCADA/DMS) and relevant software, hardware, engineering service, etc. of Bhopal and Gwalior electricity transformation project affiliated to MPMKVVCL, Bhopal, as well as power distribution management operation system (SCADA/DMS) and relevant software, hardware, engineering service, etc. of Indore and Ujjain electricity transformation project affiliated to MPPAKVVCL, Indore.


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                                        邹城市| 镇宁| 沈阳市| 江油市| 津市市| 册亨县| 鹤岗市| 晴隆县| 尚义县| 镇坪县| 安塞县| 古浪县| 叶城县| 天峨县| 渑池县| 松阳县| 裕民县| 胶南市| 深州市| 澳门| 武义县| 内丘县| 定南县| 邻水| 枞阳县| 宝鸡市| 南雄市| 泰宁县| 铜梁县| 年辖:市辖区| 丰城市| 吉林市| 漾濞| 阳高县| 沽源县| 同德县| 盐津县| 东台市| 朔州市| 普定县| 汉寿县|