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                      Dongfang Electronics Corporation (DFE) invites you to participate in the Exhibition of the 14th China Smart Grid Symposium!
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                      The 14th China Smart Grid Symposium was successfully concluded on May 6. DFE, as an exhibitor of this symposium, presented the contents of "Application of AI in New Power Systems", "Integrated Power Distribution Solution", "Integrated Energy and Virtual Power Plant", "Energy Storage and New Energy" with the theme of "Digitization Empowering Industry, Building New Power Systems", which attracted many experts and scholars to stop and watch. Ding Zhenhua, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the stock company of Dongfang Electronics Corporation, made a keynote report on "Application of AI in New Power Systems" and talked about new power systems with Chen Haoyong, the professor of South China University of Technology.


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