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                      DFE Promotes Digital Transformation to Get the Technical High Point of CSG Power Dispatching Technology - Research on Middle-ground Architecture Design and Key Technologies in Guangdong Power Grid Dispatching and Operation Passes Technical Acceptance
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                      Days ago, the Research on Middleground Architecture Design and Key Technologies in Guangdong Power Grid Dispatching and Operation, which was taken by Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd.(DFE), passed the technical acceptance. The expert panel for review was composed of experts from South China University of Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Shanghai University of Electric Power, State Grid Shanghai Energy Interconnection Research Institute, CSG Power Dispatching Control Center, Guangdong Power Grid Information Center and Guangdong Power Grid Power Dispatching Control Center. All experts in the panel agreed that the middle-ground design has top-notch thinking, complete and rational architecture design. All the deliverables and assessment indicators of the project have been completed. The project results represent the trend of digital transformation of the new generation dispatching to adapt to the new power system.

                      For the first time, the project proposes new-generation dispatching operation featured by “three horizontal and two vertical” architecture system consisting of “rigid background - elastic middleground - flexible foreground”, which breaks through the key technologies such as spatial-temporal data fusion oriented to multi-dimensional themes, data index extraction based on dimensional modeling and available & invisible privacy calculation of data, and provides an overall solutions to intelligent operation, maintenance and intrinsic security protection. The project will comprehensively apply and integrate cloud computing, big data, AI and other technologies in the power grid dispatching, restructure and upgrade the traditional dispatching automation system and explore new business models in the power market environment. It is an important technical practice for DFE and Guangdong Power Grid to take the digital transformation of dispatching and build a digital power grid.

                      In recent years, DFE is active to take the strategy of digital transformation. DFE research personnel follow the customer orientation, stay close to customers, and identify needs together with customers. Through Guangdong Power Grid dispatching middleground and other projects, DFE is deeply involved in the forward-looking and strategic technical research on CSG digital transformation, thus forming a number of guideline achievements such as new-generation intelligent dispatching operation architecture system, standards and specifications, so as to reach the high point of building CSG dispatching ecosystem in the future, and lay a solid foundation for product R&D and promotion of relevant products of the company.


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